The world is not as personal as it once was. It is easy to feel disconnected and skeptical.
My newsletter is personal stories of how I came to start this small business and what continues to inspire me.
Hopefully these stories resonate and help you to feel more connected.

My Dog Patty
September 24, 2024
He joined our family when he was 1 year old. Lanky, athletic to a crazy degree, and very anxious. I didn’t especially want a dog as my hands were already

Building Lewis
September 24, 2024
I grew up loving to build. I would rescue wood thrown away at construction sites, find bent nails lying around and straighten them. I would walk with my best friend

Bonfires on the Beach
September 24, 2024
When I was growing up my family would drive to Cannon beach for day trips. This was back when it was still a sleepy beach town with no art galleries.

Early Memories
September 24, 2024
I grew up in the PNW and always loved being outside. I have great memories of fishing rivers and lakes with my brothers, and hiking trails with my friends. But